Sunday, October 14, 2007

.:Chapter 4:.

Lily unlocked the doors to her new shop in utter disbelief of last nights events. She had five interviews today, none of which she wanted to deal with.

She began unpacking her decorations and such as the trucks arrived with loads full of fresh, colorful and beautiful flowers. She directed the men as to where to put everything as she unpacked box after box. Amidst her hanging the open sign in the window, the phone rang. It was her morning interview calling to cancel. Oh well, she thought, an extra hour to finish up. She got the cash register ready, bringing her thoughts back to the three thousand dollars she was now short, and put the final touches on the store.

If only Xander hadn't packed up and left with that bimbo, she wouldn't have been in this strange town so desperate for love and a new start, willing to invest in some make believe _______ company that would make her millions apparently. She began to laugh maniacally to herself at what an idiot she could be, and climbed to the roof to get high. That'll take the edge off, she thought.

In her absence the phone rang and Atlas waited patiently for the sound of her voice. No answer. He would have to call later.

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