Sunday, October 14, 2007

.:Chapter 4:.

Lily unlocked the doors to her new shop in utter disbelief of last nights events. She had five interviews today, none of which she wanted to deal with.

She began unpacking her decorations and such as the trucks arrived with loads full of fresh, colorful and beautiful flowers. She directed the men as to where to put everything as she unpacked box after box. Amidst her hanging the open sign in the window, the phone rang. It was her morning interview calling to cancel. Oh well, she thought, an extra hour to finish up. She got the cash register ready, bringing her thoughts back to the three thousand dollars she was now short, and put the final touches on the store.

If only Xander hadn't packed up and left with that bimbo, she wouldn't have been in this strange town so desperate for love and a new start, willing to invest in some make believe _______ company that would make her millions apparently. She began to laugh maniacally to herself at what an idiot she could be, and climbed to the roof to get high. That'll take the edge off, she thought.

In her absence the phone rang and Atlas waited patiently for the sound of her voice. No answer. He would have to call later.

.:Chapter 3:.

Boscoe finally got Atlas moving and they took the elevator down to make their morning trek to the local coffee shop. Danish and coffees down they set off to the "Box Factory" as they called it, where Boscoe told the misses he worked for the past 5 years. At the Box Factory they picked, planned and researched their cons.

They would usually pick the rich type because of course the more money, the more profitable the con. Lily had been the most unusual in the way that Atlas had found her in the local gazette. She had recently opened a flower shop downtown and was looking for consultants to assist her in the shop. The thing that had managed to rouse his attention was the necklace she was wearing in the picture. It was what looked to be an old, antique egyptian crest on a beautiful chain and they were always looking to score jewels for the underground jewelry network.

Upon researching the necklace he found that it had belonged to the Princess of Egypt's Queen thousands of year's ago. How had this woman acquired such an astonishing jewel, he wondered. This could easily be worth about a million through the network.

So he had planned the con, with no intentions of meeting her at the pub that night, but he had purposefully forgotten the crest in the hopes of seeing her again. He didn't think she would go to the press, so that had put a slight damper on things but all he knew was that he had to figure out a way to see her.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

.:Chapter 2:.

Lily woke up to the alarm clock with a pounding head and a few bruises. Had last night really happened, she thought. It had felt so surreal, like a dream.

She got out of bed and went straight to the computer without even the thought of wiping the night's drool or the sleep from her eyes. Painstakingly realizing that the three-thousand dollars was missing. It was not a dream after all.

She immediately called Channel 6 News and requested that they meet in front of Shark's, the pub where she had met Atlas the night before. She would find that bastard, she thought, but she couldn't get over the look in his eyes. And deep inside she really just wanted to see him again.

.:Chapter 1:.

"Atlas, let's go!"

Boscoe was sitting on the old red velvet couch in the apartment he knew so well. They had spent many nights here trying to win over the hearts and wallets of many a women.

Atlas was going through his daily routine in exactly the same way he did everyday. Wake up. Morning stretches for five minutes. Put on slippers. Start coffee.

Add to list: Get new coffee pot with timer, he thought.

Get newspaper. Take a shower. Put on bath robe. Drink coffee, read newspaper, smoke a joint. Get dressed. Brush teeth exactly one hundred times on top, then bottom. Fix hair with one pump of gel only. Moisturize face and apply chapstick.

His slight form of OCD could not be broken despite the numerous hours of wasted therapy with Dr. Crazy whom he only frequented for her lack of panties and habit of keeping her legs slightly parted. She was as sexy as she was crazy.

As Boscoe patiently waited, watching the attractive woman they had met last night in the pink dress speak of the two men in gray suits who had conned three-thousand dollars from her. He gave a little chuckle, and with a sly grin on his face, remembered the events of the night prior.

It had started in that sleazy dive downtown; the one that smells like cheap liquor, stale cigarrettes and even cheaper women. Why she was there they didn't know. They weren't looking for a con, but when Atlas saw her he just knew; right place, right time.

They pulled what they call "The Rescue". Boscoe got her interested and got her to leave with him out the back. Then he proceeded to start an argument and roughed her up a little when Atlas came by and rescued her. He roughed Boscoe up a little and they exchanged words before taking her to the local diner and then back to his place where the con really began.

They had swindled thousands out of unsuspecting women, but for Atlas this one had been different.